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Welcome to Netivot Shalom of Baltimore


   Meet Rabbi Elliot Kaplowitz. Please join him for his Parsha Shiur Tuesday evenings at 8:00 PM on Zoom.

Upcoming Events

Sundays - 10 AM-12 PM. Beading with Anne Solomon

Tuesdays - Rabbi's shiur on Zoom 

October 18 - Lunch in the Sukkah 

October 25 - Simchat Torah Luncheon 




COVID Policy  - updated September 12, 2023


Best wishes for a Shannah Tovah, full of wonderful blessings, from the Covid Committee of the Shul.  As we look forward to getting together with family and friends for tfilot and meals we wanted to provide you with the latest Covid-19 information.
As of September 7, the CDC reports that there has been a 10% increase in covid related hospitalizations and deaths nationwide.   No county specific data are available for our location at this time.
At this point, we are not instituting a mask policy for the shul.
However, we recommend that you take your personal circumstances into consideration as you approach decisions about whether to resume masking or where to sit in shul.  
            -Chairs will be available for sitting on the porch for those who prefer
            -Our HEPA air filtration systems will continue to be used in the shul
PLEASE:  Out of considerations for others, 
 If you have had a Recent Covid Infection
1. Do not come to shul if you have had covid within 5 days, or still have a fever.
2. Wear a mask if you had covid between 5-10 days ago.
If you had a Recent Covid Exposure:
Wear a mask for 10 days following exposure
If you have an Active Upper Respiratory Infection:
Do not come to shul
Do not hesitate to contact the Rabbi with halachic questions regarding davening without a minyan, or one of the covid committee members regarding this policy.

In addition to the guidelines outlined above, the board has invested in HEPA air purifiers for the main sanctuary, capable of meeting the CDC guidelines of 4-6 air changes per hour, and MERV 14 rated filters for our existing HVAC system.

With continued tefilah for everyone's health and safety and with great anticipation of seeing everyone in shul on Shabbos.


Tue, October 15 2024 13 Tishrei 5785