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2024 Annual Campaign

Dear Friends,

This past year has been incredibly difficult for the Jewish people.  Beginning with  the horrific attacks of October 7, the murder of over 1,200 innocent people and the taking of over 200 hostages, to the ongoing multi-front war in Gaza, Lebanon and beyond, and the rise of anti-Semitism around the world, the year has challenged and pained us in ways we did not think were possible. 

During the High Holidays we live by the mantra ותשובה, ותפילה וצדקה מעבירים את רוע הגזרה--Teshuva (repentance), Tefilah (prayer) and Tzedakah (charity) avert the evil of the decree. 

Never has the need for prayer been more strongly felt than this year during which we poured our hearts out for the hostages, prayed for the safety of the IDF soldiers, saw the multiple missile barrages from Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen and Iran, learned of the murder of thousands of civilians and hundreds of Israeli soldiers.  As world opinion has turned against Israel and the Jewish people, we have prayed for common sense to prevail.   

This has been a year of Teshuvah and introspection as we have been forced to reexamine our core beliefs and identity.  Many have wondered if there is still a place for the Jewish people anywhere other than Israel.  We have been called on time and time again to reflect on our connection and commitment to Israel and how we can show our love and support from so far away.  The issue of Jewish unity and our connection to Am Yisrael has been challenged on many fronts.

And finally, this has been a year of Tzedakah.  The outpouring of support for our brothers and sisters in Israel – families who lost loved ones, families who have been displaced from their homes, the havoc that the war has brought to the Israeli economy – has been truly inspiring.  Numerous organizations combatting anti-Semitism  have enjoyed record levels of support this past year.

Through this most difficult year, Netivot Shalom has served as a grounding force in all of our lives.  Our shul has joined together in showing our unwavering support for Israel and Am Yisrael.  Through our beautiful davening and rigorous Torah study, we have found inspiration and strength during the darkest hours.  We have been blessed to share wonderful s’machot and have been sources of comfort and support for our members during times of loss and need.  We have created a welcoming, supportive and beautiful community, which I know all of us are proud to be a part of.

During this time of Teshuva, Tefilah and Tzedakah, we are officially launching our annual campaign.  In a year where so many people have extended themselves to support worthy organizations and initiatives, we are asking you to dig a little deeper to show your support for our shul.  The funds collected from membership dues do not cover our overhead and programming budget.  The estimated fair share for each member is  $1,500 on average, when including dues, high holiday seats and contributions to the annual campaign.   This is not a hard number, and some of our members are not able to meet that mark while others are able to give more generously, but we ask that you keep that number in mind when making your calculations.  Our shul provides a spiritual home that we cherish.  We ask for your help in ensuring that we will be able to continue to fill the unique space that we offer in the Baltimore community.

With blessings for a happy, healthy and sweet New Year.  May we all be given a Gemar Chatimah Tovah!

Donations can be made on the shul website or by check. 

Thank you for your continued support,
Rabbi Elliot Kaplowitz 

First name
Last name
Phone number
   Sinai - $5000
   Chorev - $3600
   Moriah - $1000
   Bashan - $540
   Gavnunim - $360
Wed, October 16 2024 14 Tishrei 5785