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New Member Application

Welcome to Netivot Shalom ~ A Modern Orthodox Community Where Everyone Has a Voice.  Our unique synagogue is committed to learning and living God’s Torah. Through this engagement we seek to perpetuate the values of respecting the Tzelem Elokim in each person, of Ahavat Yisrael, and of Kavod Habriot. 

Please select your new membership category below. Click on submit button to complete membership checkout.

No one will be turned away from membership for financial reasons.  Please contact Janice Michaelis (, our Membership Chair, who will be happy to work with you to reach an arrangement concerning dues (including payment plans and discounts) in a completely private manner.  It is more important for you to be a part of our community as a member, and contribute what you can, than not become a member.  We sincerely appreciate your support at whatever level you are able to give.

Spouse's Personal Information (If Applicable)

Please include Apt. number

Additional Information

(check all that apply)

Membership Dues

The following sets forth our dues structure and membership policy for the current fiscal year.  If you have any questions or need to request special arrangements, please contact our Membership Chair, Janice Michaelis, at 973-809-6424 or, or speak to any member of the Board of Directors.

Family Membership:                                  $800/year
Individual Membership:                             $400/year

Associate Membership (family):             $400/year
Associate Membership (indiv.):               $200/year

Full Time Student Membership:               Same dues as Associate Membership

Individuals under 35 pay discounted dues (50% of listed dues).

In addition, please note the following:

-Full (non-associate) members receive a new member dues discount, for the first year of membership, in the amount of $50 per adult member.

-Associate Membership is available only to full members of another shul.

-Student Membership is available only to full-time students.

-For members who join after June 30, dues will be on-half of the full amount for that year.

-One-third of annual dues are payable within 30 days of acceptance for membership (or by February 1 for continuing members).

-For continuing members and members who join prior to June 30, the remaining two-thirds of dues are payable by June 30. For members who join after June 30, the remaining two-thirds of dues are payable by December 31.

-Netivot Shalom is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785